• 我院131学期专业选修课《Financial Modeling》报名通知
  • 时间:2013-06-15信息来源:国际学院字体:[ ]点击:

  • 2010级、2011级各班:

    我院下学期(131学期)拟开设专业选修课《Financial Modeling》(3个学分),由来自美国Bowling Green State University的李明生教授主讲,实行小班教学,计划2个教学班,每班人数不超过30人。请各班信息员在班内收集报名信息,并将附件一《报名汇总表》填好后于6月20日(周四)22:00前发至673902509@qq.com


    附件一:各班报名汇总表 (下载



    Instructor: Dr. Mingsheng Li
    Associate Professor of Finance
    College of Business Administration
    Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA

    Text: Principles of Finance with Excel, 2nd Edition, 2011 Oxford (or 1st Edition 2006)
    Recommended Text: Financial Analysis with MS Excel, 6th Edition, 2012, South-West-Cengage Learning, by Mayes & Shank.
    Assigned Mini-cases & homework, readings materials (PDF files), PowerPoint notes, and other handouts

    Prerequisites: (1) Principle of Accounting; (2) Corporate Finance

    Course Description

    Financial Modeling is an advanced course in Finance. To enroll in this course, students should have already taken Principle of Accounting and Corporate Finance. The course focuses primarily on the development of Excel applications and the use of mini-case & project approach to solve real world problems in the area of finance. Please be aware that this course is NOT designed to develop complex mathematical models but to help students explore the most widely used Excel functions and maximize their learning of finance knowledge through practice.

    Course Goals

    Microsoft Excel is one of the most widely used analysis tools in the business world. However, most students are not aware the important role of Excel applications and lack the basic Excel skills needed in the challenging business environment and the globalizing economy.

    The primary goals of Financial Modeling include (1) enhancing students’ knowledge in the areas of corporate finance and investment; (2) improving students’ analytical skills and problem solving ability through spreadsheet developments; (3) enabling students to explore and better understand current issues in finance, and (4) maximizing students’ learning opportunity by applying Excel skill to solve finance problems. The course employs different methods (such as spreadsheet development, lab exercises, and short projects, etc.) in achieving these goals. Additionally, lectures are presented throughout the course discussing the main theories and issues in finance areas and introducing Excel functions that are commonly used in finance.

    Topics to Be Covered

    I. Finance Topics
    A. Financial Statement/Financial Condition Analysis
    B. Time Value of Money and Security Valuations.
    C. Source and Cost of Capital/Capital Structure Decisions
    D. Capital Budgeting and Investment Decisions
    E. Security Risk Analysis and Portfolio Management
    F. Capital Market Line, Security Market Line, CAPM
    G. Bond Valuations and Analyses
    H. Valuation of Options, Arbitrages, etc.

    II. Excel Topics
    A. Basic data processing and formatting such as converting text and numeric data items and combining different forms of data.
    B. Professional presentation and report from Excel files to other files.
    C. Apply various basic statistic functions such as Average, Correlation, Countif, Min, Max, Sum, Sumproduct, Slope, Std, Var, etc., to financial problem solving.
    E. Create dynamic tables and charts through the extensive uses of useful functions such as V-lookup, H-lookup, Match, Index, Offset, etc.
    D. Understand and apply macros to various situations.
    E. Understand and develop basic VB Applications.
    F. Explore the creative use of Form Controls and ActiveX in problem solving.

    Learning Outcomes
    After successfully completing this course, students should be able to:
    Demonstrate a clear understanding of both financial theories and analytical techniques necessary to make sound corporate financial management and investment decisions;
    Utilize spreadsheets more effectively to make and present calculations and analyses.
    Be able to create dynamic tables and charts through the extensive uses of useful functions such as V-lookup, H-lookup, Match, Index, Offset, etc. 



